I like pixelart

nejak sem si oblibil Pixel Studio, ikdyz ma spoustu much, ale na tabletu se v nem dobre pixluje… tak sem tam udelam nejaky obrazek do daily challenge… 
zacalo to halloweenem
Nasledne pak bylo tema Mug… tak me to asociovalo samozrejme uzasnou zalezitost Cuphead
posuneme se dale, na tema Run… a chtel jsem zkusit Pixilart editor… no trosku kostrbaty editor, ale slo to… 
Infinite Sonic


Mtik píše…
Can I ask you one question?

There is your profile on "Wikipedia for games" called Mobygames.


There are however two additional entries, that I would like to clarify:
1) https://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,1059120/ - did you work on game called Attentat 1942? Credited role is "Diialogue Writers Assistant"
2) https://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,91117/ - is "Petr Stefek Sr." your father under role "Weapon and Vehicle Consultants" or is it a mistake in credits?

Best regards.
phob píše…
Hello @Mtik.

1/ I didn't work on the game Attentat 1942. It will probably just be a match of names.

2/ Yes, this is my father.

Thak you for your questions :).

Best regards.